Multi Fuel Burner less than 5kw

- 8" Hardwood Logs - available in nets or 1.2m3 builders bags
We recommend Kiln Dried - however this comes down to personal preference and Seasoned can be used.
8" Kindling - available in carrier packs or nets
Heat Logs can be used also - only available in carrier packs
- Smokeless coal is recommended, as most places are 'smokeless' however, this is again down to personal preference as House Coal can also be used
If you are new to log burning we recommend ordering a Starter Pack however if you are more experienced please visit our shop or click on the above links to select your products.
Benefits of Nets/Carrier packs versus Builders Bags
- are stacked by us on delivery, easy and useful if you do not have a lot of storage.
Builders Bags
- more economic - there are roughly 25 nets to a builders bag - perfect for if you have the storage available.
**Please note some burners can take larger logs - if in doubt check with your installer.